OF&G Organic conversion information
We have assembled information here to help guide people who are considering converting their farm businesses to organic. Any additional queries please contact the OF&G office.
When you have decided to register with OF&G please send a completed copy of the Producer Application Form form to us (either in the post or via email) before making any payment to enable us to set up an account and to send an invoice to you - info@ofgorganic.org
The application form can be downloaded as a printable pdf version or in word doc. format so that you can complete it digitally - see further down on this page.
If you are a member of the NFU and are new to organics, then you may qualify for a discount of 25% off the Year 1 fee stated on the charges sheet, provided that you give us a current NFU Farmer and Grower membership number on the application form.
If you are transferring to OF&G from another organic body please contact the OF&G office for additonal information.
Further information - Claiming SFI on organic land in CS agreements
For organic certification the forms you will require -
RD254 Producer Application Form - Word.doc version

RD254 Producer Application Form - pdf version

An Introduction to Organic Certification for Farmers and Growers

Agricultural Production Inspection and Certification Fees

Further information -
Claiming SFI on organic land in CS agreements
Organic Production - Why does the farm have to become certified?
Organic Food Processing - Who needs a certificate to sell Organic products?
Organic Arable Farming: Information for farmers considering conversion to organic production.

The Organic Standards & Certification Manual can be downloaded, or sent to you on CD rom (or paper copy for £12 + VAT).

A short video describing OF&G organic inspection and certification

About Organic Farmers & Growers

Support service for farmers considering organic production

Claiming SFI on organic land in CS agreements
Defra have published guidance on stewardship options in Countryside Stewardship that can also be compatible with the Sustainable Farming Incentive (SFI).
Due to the way the inclusive or exclusive lists are displayed on the GOV UK website it can be difficult to work out what is or isn’t compatible.
For example, OT3 is eligible because it doesn't feature in Table 3. Eligible ES revenue options for the arable and horticultural soils standard, the list of excluded rotational CS options - https://www.gov.uk/guidance/how-an-sfi-standards-agreement-interacts-with-other-funding-schemes.
Here are the set organic options the RPA have confirmed with us as being compatible under the SFI –
Organic CS options compatible with claiming SFI for appropriate, qualifying standards | |
OR1 | Organic conversion - improved permanent grassland |
OR3 | Organic conversion - rotational land |
OR4 | Organic Conversion - Horticulture |
OT1 | Organic land management - improved permanent grassland |
OT3 | Organic Land Management - rotational land |
OT4 | Organic Land Management - Horticulture |
Always check with the RPA to ensure compatibility is still available before making a claim |