7th December 2018
We are very pleased to announce that the largest organic farming event in the UK will be held next year on one of the first farms to become organic in the UK. The Thompson family have been farming organically since 1949 and next year’s event will therefore offer a unique insight into the longevity of organic farming systems.
The 2019 OF&G National Organic Combinable Crops will be held on Wednesday 3 July in Yorkshire.
The farm is a mixed operation with arable, including wheat, barley and beans, and potatoes alongside a livestock enterprise that includes organic pigs.
Richard and Sue Thompson have very kindly agreed to host this hugely popular annual gathering of the organic food and farming community and allow us to join them in celebrating their farm’s 70th organic year.
We will again be hosting UK Grain Lab with a team of excellent chefs and bakers in tandem with some brilliant talks alongside practical demonstrations on the farm, giving visitors the opportunity to see some of the very best innovations in organic food and farming.
More NOCC19 details will be released in 2019.