Home Farm,
Overstone Road,

Years of chemical fertiliser use has degraded our soils to varying degrees. RevivaSoil rock dust remedies this with its natural suite of minerals and trace elements from silica, phosphorous, potassium, calcium and magnesium to cobalt, molybdenum, iodine, selenium and zinc. Field trials and academic studies (Newcastle University) have proved that RevivaSoil increases crop yields, enhances flower growth and matches or exceeds the nutrient content of crops including potatoes. Root development and biological activity in the soil is greatly enhanced. Many customers have reported better tasting crops grown with RevivaSoil. Also, as RevivaSoil weathers it captures carbon dioxide from the atmosphere locking it in mineral form increasing soil pH.

We use several sources around the country to minimise delivered prices as well as enabling us to select the most appropriate one for your soil such as high lime or potash. All sources are tested using X-Ray analyses to ensure consistency.