We provide a fermented kelp liquid biostimulant, using farmed kelp harvested at a specific time in the year to ensure consistency in the product’s key contents: sugars, macro and trace minerals, plant hormones, amino acids, vitamins, and antioxidants. Bioactive molecules in kelp are known to trigger plant defences and enhance disease resistance in crops. Sugars found in kelp are key to reducing stress during transplanting and during environmental stress as well as feeding below ground ecology.
Ferma-Kelp is produced using fermentation. The bacteria we utilise in this process is part of the product and contributes to the cycling of organic matter improving the availability of minerals in the soil. Seaweed has been used to condition soil and improve plant health for a millennia. At Channelled Atlantic we provide you with a reliably consistent formula to improve below ground health and above ground performance.
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