Pure Vacuum- Dried Salt
Hub Industrial Trading Estate,
90250 Pakistan

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Salt is crystallised in the evaporation plant, consuming low energy with the effect of the pressurised environment, and moisture is reduced to an acceptable level. Since salts treated in this way dissolve at high temperatures, the steam load is reduced and the processes performed do not lower the quality of salt. We design machines that will consume energy at a minimum level and produce high-quality salt. Evaporative crystallisation yields crystalline sodium chloride, also known as vacuum salt. Other minerals are removed during the processing stage. For example, iodine, which is critical for a healthy thyroid, is often added to table salt. Traditional household salt, as well as vacuum salt, is mined from salt layers that are found in the ground. Water is poured into the salt layer to extract the salt. In the end, the salt solution is brought to the surface and heated until it crystallises into fine salt grains. The highest standards of quality are set by vacuum salt. Usually, vacuum salt is produced from brine obtained by solution mining of underground deposits and chemically purified.


- The highest standards of quality are set by vacuum salt. Usually, vacuum salt is produced from brine obtained by solution mining of underground deposits and chemically purified.

- The appropriate quantity of nutrients and mineral depositions in sea salt makes it extremely beneficial for allergy, fever, cold, and flu.

- Sea salt is an excellent source of sodium and potassium and is a key ingredient in maintaining a normal heartbeat and enhancing cardiovascular health.

- Sea salt plays a pivotal role in promoting digestion. It enhances the taste buds to secrete an enzyme called

salivary amylase which helps in the primary breakdown of carbohydrates.

- Sea salt, when used topically, acts as a natural exfoliate. Sea salt's high mineral content and anti-

inflammatory properties are extremely beneficial for acne, psoriasis, eczema, and ageing.

- The abundance of anti-inflammatory properties and soothing effects of sea salt offers an extremely valuable

remedy for respiratory health.

- Owing to the presence of adaptogenic, and sedative properties, sea salt actively helps in regulating two

hormones in the body – serotonin and melatonin, both of which help one relax and have a more peaceful


- Muscle cramps are quite common after an excessive workout session owing to the loss of electrolytes through sweat.