Lake Salt
Hub Industrial Trading Estate,
90250 Pakistan

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Lake salt in Pakistan is available in excellent quality and sufficient quantities. It used to be a problem for manufacturers to extract the salt from the lakes due to the difficult routes to the lakes but now with the advancements and development of the infrastructure in Pakistan, the extraction has become easier. The lakes are located about 300 km from Karachi and the transportation is done using special desert trucks that work around the clock. Currently, a small quantity of 3,000 tons is extracted on a daily basis making the yearly average production around 900,000 tons. Hub Salt has 2 separate harvesting locations about 100km apart in the Tharparkar region namely, Ankerio and Mokhai. We have the capacity and capability to harvest close to one million tons of raw lake salt from both of these sites and fulfill all of our raw lake salt requirements from these sites. This gives us self-sufficiency, and an

independent supply of raw salt that is competition-free, which helps us sustain our selling prices.


- Maintaining and regulating blood pressure

- Reducing the risk of kidney stones

- Reducing the risk of heart-related problems

- Reversing the effect of sodium on blood pressure

- Maintaining normal muscular and neurology

- Decreasing bone loss