easibed is a break-through in horse bedding. Its dust free and supportive properties have made it a favourite with horses and their owners alike for more than 15 years.
Made from clean recycled wood, easibed provides a comfortable, free-draining and economical bed for your horse to live on, and a dust free, healthy environment for you to work in.
The consistency of easibed means it gives a supportive and free-draining bed, allowing the wet to drain through to the base where it’s absorbed, and leaving the top dry and comfortable for your horse, creating a bed it won’t want to leave. In fact many horses love to lie down on their comfy easibeds!
What’s more, you use less easibed than you would with traditional beddings such as straw and shavings, so you spend less time mucking out and your muck heap is smaller – saving you money and giving you more time to ride.