BIO-GEL organic fertilizer based on Biohumus
31 Kyivska St,
73013 Ukraine

Institute TEKMASH SIPE Ukrainian company has developed a fundamentally new technology for producing the BIO-GEL organic fertilizer and realized an effective startup, thus coming second in the country in selling biological products and microfertilizers!

The uniqueness of the HTD-technology® coupled with organic raw materials made it possible to create a fundamentally new pro/prebiotic named BIO-GEL. It contains microorganisms from fertile soils and biohumus processed according to this technology with no chemicals added and transformed into easily digestible humic, fulvic acids on which these bacteria multiplied. The technology has no analogues in the world as evidenced by the obtained patent UA 119601. Patenting is under way in America, Canada, Europe, Eurasia.

We are looking for partners in hot countries due to the specific Ukrainian climate, namely, short growing season and, consequently, short period of fertilizer demand (from March to June). During this period our production facilities are loaded to the maximum. Our desire to load them for the other 8 months accounts for the search of partners in hot countries where the growing season lasts all the year round.