21st February 2020
OF&G Chief Executive, Roger Kerr with Caryl Lewis and OF&G Director Charles Peers.
Caryl is researching methods that can be applied to influence consumer choices when it comes to supporting Welsh produce in the supermarkets on a local scale.
From a farming background, Caryl hopes to educate farmers, policy makers and the general public on the role they can play in sustainability and raising awareness of food production and consumption. Harper Adams University has been beneficial for her research because of the specialised resources on offer and Caryl loves that “there is a wealth of knowledge and facilities to take advantage of, which I will hopefully fulfill throughout my studies.”
Presenting Caryl with her scholarship, OF&G Director, Charles Peers, paid tribute to Bill Allen,
“Bill was a director of OF&G and advisor to members of Organic Livestock Marketing Cooperative (OLMC). He was an enthusiast with no real regard for the time he spent travelling the length and breadth of the country. His generosity of spirit went beyond his work.
“I feel privileged to have known Bill Allen and I want to pass on to you just what a very special person he was. He was one of those unsung heroes that we all talk about and never get any recognition, if anyone deserved a knight hood or saint hood it was Bill. I am honoured to give this in the memory of a very special person.”
Details about the scholarship are availble on HAU online.