Organic Growers Gathering 2024

Tolhurst Organic CIC, Hardwick Estate, Oxfordshire, RG8 7RB

27th September 2024 at 10.00

The Organic Growers Gathering will run from 27-29 September 2024 and is a time for growers, farmers, landworkers and anyone who works in the food world to come together and celebrate the work we do, to learn from each other, and to work with each other to build the organic movement.

Whether you’re a weathered master of the soil or a new entrant gaining experience seeding your ideas, there is something here for everyone.

Expect lots of practical sessions and break-out spaces to learn practical growing skills, as well as time to get creative through workshops, and of course bring your dancing shoes for moving and grooving to the fantastic line-up of musicians from across the UK.

We gather to network, skill share, build community, discover, and learn.

Children are welcome – there will be a specific kids area with lots going on for the littluns!

Young people wanting to get into growing are also welcomed and encouraged to come along, after all you’re our future growers! We will be providing lots of sessions and information for those curious to get into growing to find their feet and learn how they can join the organic movement.

The Gathering will be held at Tolhurst Organic CIC, one of the longest-running organic farms in the UK renowned for pioneering ethical stockfree organic standards.

The farmers, growers, businesses, projects, crafters and residents at Hardwick Estate, where Tolhurst is situated, will welcome you onto this land they share for you to learn more about their shared understanding of building a more resilient food and farming system.

These moments of celebration and coming together as growers and food producers are so important to keep our movement strong.

Join us! More details and tickets available from the Organic Growers Alliance.